EMR 마스터노드에서 SBT를 이용한 scala script to jar file 변환 실습




[실습시 참고자료]

베스핀글로벌 최정민님 ‘Scala script 를 Jar file로 변환 및 실행하기’ 자료


step 1) 임의의 EMR 생성, master node로 ssh 접속

step 2) EMR master node에 SBT 설치

마스터노드에서 아래와 같이 명령어 실행

Last login: Sun Nov 22 05:36:43 2020

       __|  __|_  )
       _|  (     /   Amazon Linux 2 AMI

71 package(s) needed for security, out of 105 available
Run "sudo yum update" to apply all updates.

E::::::::::::::::::E M:::::::M         M:::::::M R::::::::::::::R
EE:::::EEEEEEEEE:::E M::::::::M       M::::::::M R:::::RRRRRR:::::R
  E::::E       EEEEE M:::::::::M     M:::::::::M RR::::R      R::::R
  E::::E             M::::::M:::M   M:::M::::::M   R:::R      R::::R
  E:::::EEEEEEEEEE   M:::::M M:::M M:::M M:::::M   R:::RRRRRR:::::R
  E::::::::::::::E   M:::::M  M:::M:::M  M:::::M   R:::::::::::RR
  E:::::EEEEEEEEEE   M:::::M   M:::::M   M:::::M   R:::RRRRRR::::R
  E::::E             M:::::M    M:::M    M:::::M   R:::R      R::::R
  E::::E       EEEEE M:::::M     MMM     M:::::M   R:::R      R::::R
EE:::::EEEEEEEE::::E M:::::M             M:::::M   R:::R      R::::R
E::::::::::::::::::E M:::::M             M:::::M RR::::R      R::::R

[hadoop@ip-10-0-1-70 ~]$ curl https://bintray.com/sbt/rpm/rpm | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/bintraysbt-rpm.repo
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   160    0   160    0     0    212      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   212
#bintray--sbt-rpm - packages by  from Bintray
[hadoop@ip-10-0-1-70 ~]$ sudo yum install sbt -y
Loaded plugins: extras_suggestions, langpacks, priorities, update-motd
amzn2-core                                                                                                        | 3.7 kB  00:00:00
bintray--sbt-rpm                                                                                                  | 1.3 kB  00:00:00
bintray--sbt-rpm/primary                                                                                          | 6.0 kB  00:00:00
bintray--sbt-rpm                                                                                                                   55/55
9 packages excluded due to repository priority protections
No package sbtsudo available.
Package yum-3.4.3-158.amzn2.0.4.noarch already installed and latest version
No package install available.
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package sbt.noarch 0:1.4.3-0 will be installed
--> Finished Dependency Resolution

Dependencies Resolved

 Package                    Arch                          Version                          Repository                               Size
 sbt                        noarch                        1.4.3-0                          bintray--sbt-rpm                        1.2 M

Transaction Summary
Install  1 Package

Total download size: 1.2 M
Installed size: 1.4 M
Downloading packages:
sbt-1.4.3.rpm                                                                                                     | 1.2 MB  00:00:00
Running transaction check
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded
Running transaction
  Installing : sbt-1.4.3-0.noarch                                                                                                    1/1
  Verifying  : sbt-1.4.3-0.noarch                                                                                                    1/1

  sbt.noarch 0:1.4.3-0


step 3) SBT project 구성

  • .sbt 생성
[hadoop@ip-10-0-1-70 my_scala_pj]$ pwd

[hadoop@ip-10-0-1-70 ~]$ mkdir my_scala_pj

[hadoop@ip-10-0-1-70 ~]$ cd my_scala_pj/

[hadoop@ip-10-0-1-70 my_scala_pj]$ sudo vim ./simple.sbt
# 자유롭게 임의로 작성
name := "My scala Project"
# 자유롭게 임의로 작성
version := "0.1"
# 아래의 내용은 script의 종속성과 연관되어 있기 때문에 스크립트에 필요한 라이브러리에 맞게 작성되어야 함
scalaVersion := "2.12.12"
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-sql" % "3.0.0"

[hadoop@ip-10-0-1-70 my_scala_pj]$ find .
  • TestApp.scala 생성
[hadoop@ip-10-0-1-70 my_scala_pj]$ mkdir src

[hadoop@ip-10-0-1-70 my_scala_pj]$ ls
simple.sbt  src

[hadoop@ip-10-0-1-70 my_scala_pj]$ cd src

[hadoop@ip-10-0-1-70 src]$ mkdir main

[hadoop@ip-10-0-1-70 src]$ cd main

[hadoop@ip-10-0-1-70 main]$ mkdir scala

[hadoop@ip-10-0-1-70 main]$ cd scala

[hadoop@ip-10-0-1-70 scala]$ pwd

[hadoop@ip-10-0-1-70 scala]$ sudo vim TestApp.scala

import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession

object TestApp {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {

    val spark = SparkSession.builder.master("yarn").appName("my_app").getOrCreate()
    val rdd = spark.read.textFile("s3://pms-bucket-test/README.txt")


    println("Job done")



[hadoop@ip-10-0-1-70 scala]$ cd /home/hadoop/my_scala_pj

[hadoop@ip-10-0-1-70 my_scala_pj]$ find .

[hadoop@ip-10-0-1-70 my_scala_pj]$ tree
├── simple.sbt
└── src
    └── main
        └── scala
            └── TestApp.scala

3 directories, 2 files

step 4) scala script to jar file

# 프로젝트 최상단 폴더로 이동
[hadoop@ip-10-0-1-70 my_scala_pj]$ cd /home/hadoop/my_scala_pj

[hadoop@ip-10-0-1-70 my_scala_pj]$ sbt package
[info] [launcher] getting org.scala-sbt sbt 1.4.3  (this may take some time)...
downloading https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/scala-sbt/sbt/1.4.3/sbt-1.4.3.jar ...
:: loading settings :: url = jar:file:/usr/share/sbt/bin/sbt-launch.jar!/org/apache/ivy/core/settings/ivysettings.xml
downloading https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/scala-lang/scala-library/2.12.12/scala-library-2.12.12.jar ...
:: loading settings :: url = jar:file:/usr/share/sbt/bin/sbt-launch.jar!/org/apache/ivy/core/settings/ivysettings.xml
downloading https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/scala-sbt/io_2.12/1.4.0/io_2.12-1.4.0.jar ...
:: loading settings :: url = jar:file:/usr/share/sbt/bin/sbt-launch.jar!/org/apache/ivy/core/settings/ivysettings.xml
downloading https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/scala-sbt/main_2.12/1.4.3/main_2.12-1.4.3.jar ...
:: loading settings :: url = jar:file:/usr/share/sbt/bin/sbt-launch.jar!/org/apache/ivy/core/settings/ivysettings.xml
        [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#sbt;1.4.3!sbt.jar (615ms)
downloading https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/scala-sbt/logic_2.12/1.4.3/logic_2.12-1.4.3.jar ...
        [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#logic_2.12;1.4.3!logic_2.12.jar (579ms)
downloading https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/scala-sbt/actions_2.12/1.4.3/actions_2.12-1.4.3.jar ...
        [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#io_2.12;1.4.0!io_2.12.jar (1461ms)
downloading https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/scala-sbt/main-settings_2.12/1.4.3/main-settings_2.12-1.4.3.jar ...
        [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#actions_2.12;1.4.3!actions_2.12.jar (732ms)
  100.0% [##########] 634.7 KiB (2.7 MiB / s)
[info] Fetched artifacts of
[warn] There may be incompatibilities among your library dependencies; run 'evicted' to see detailed eviction warnings.
[info] compiling 1 Scala source to /home/hadoop/my_scala_pj/target/scala-2.12/classes ...
  100.0% [##########] 2.7 KiB (17.5 KiB / s)
  100.0% [##########] 2.9 KiB (19.3 KiB / s)
  100.0% [##########] 52.4 KiB (376.8 KiB / s)
  100.0% [##########] 2.6 KiB (19.0 KiB / s)
[info] Non-compiled module 'compiler-bridge_2.12' for Scala 2.12.12. Compiling...
[info]   Compilation completed in 9.657s.
[success] Total time: 32 s, completed Nov 22, 2020 6:33:34 AM
# /home/hadoop/my_scala_pj/target/scala-2.12 폴더에 my-scala-project_2.12-0.1.jar 생성
[hadoop@ip-10-0-1-70 my_scala_pj]$ tree
├── project
│   ├── build.properties
│   └── target
│       ├── config-classes
│       │   ├── $26557af1960df2d28302.cache
│       │   ├── $26557af1960df2d28302.class
│       │   ├── $26557af1960df2d28302$.class
│       │   ├── $2c66babbd77e41c16c42.cache
│       │   ├── $2c66babbd77e41c16c42.class
│       │   ├── $2c66babbd77e41c16c42$.class
│       │   ├── $3f5e9b4c00ec2e641532.cache
│       │   ├── $3f5e9b4c00ec2e641532.class
│       │   ├── $3f5e9b4c00ec2e641532$.class
│       │   ├── $f4aa3cb48b96f0931374.cache
│       │   ├── $f4aa3cb48b96f0931374.class
│       │   └── $f4aa3cb48b96f0931374$.class
│       ├── scala-2.12
│       │   └── sbt-1.0
│       │       └── update
│       │           └── update_cache_2.12
│       │               ├── inputs
│       │               └── output
│       └── streams
│           ├── compile
│           │   ├── bspReporter
│           │   │   └── _global
│           │   │       └── streams
│           │   │           └── out
│           │   ├── compile
│           │   │   └── _global
│           │   │       └── streams
│           │   │           └── out
│           │   ├── compileIncremental
│           │   │   └── _global
│           │   │       └── streams
│           │   │           ├── export
│           │   │           └── out
│           │   ├── copyResources
│           │   │   └── _global
│           │   │       └── streams
│           │   │           ├── copy-resources
│           │   │           └── out
│           │   ├── dependencyClasspath
│           │   │   └── _global
│           │   │       └── streams
│           │   │           └── export
│           │   ├── exportedProducts
│           │   │   └── _global
│           │   │       └── streams
│           │   │           └── export
│           │   ├── externalDependencyClasspath
│           │   │   └── _global
│           │   │       └── streams
│           │   │           └── export
│           │   ├── _global
│           │   │   └── _global
│           │   │       ├── compileOutputs
│           │   │       │   └── previous
│           │   │       └── discoveredMainClasses
│           │   │           └── data
│           │   ├── incOptions
│           │   │   └── _global
│           │   │       └── streams
│           │   │           └── out
│           │   ├── internalDependencyClasspath
│           │   │   └── _global
│           │   │       └── streams
│           │   │           ├── export
│           │   │           └── out
│           │   ├── managedClasspath
│           │   │   └── _global
│           │   │       └── streams
│           │   │           └── export
│           │   ├── scalacOptions
│           │   │   └── _global
│           │   │       └── streams
│           │   │           └── out
│           │   ├── unmanagedClasspath
│           │   │   └── _global
│           │   │       └── streams
│           │   │           ├── export
│           │   │           └── out
│           │   └── unmanagedJars
│           │       └── _global
│           │           └── streams
│           │               └── export
│           ├── _global
│           │   ├── csrConfiguration
│           │   │   └── _global
│           │   │       └── streams
│           │   │           └── out
│           │   ├── csrProject
│           │   │   └── _global
│           │   │       └── streams
│           │   │           └── out
│           │   ├── dependencyPositions
│           │   │   └── _global
│           │   │       └── streams
│           │   │           └── update_cache_2.12
│           │   │               ├── input_dsp
│           │   │               └── output_dsp
│           │   ├── _global
│           │   │   └── _global
│           │   │       └── streams
│           │   │           └── out
│           │   ├── ivyConfiguration
│           │   │   └── _global
│           │   │       └── streams
│           │   │           └── out
│           │   ├── ivySbt
│           │   │   └── _global
│           │   │       └── streams
│           │   │           └── out
│           │   ├── moduleSettings
│           │   │   └── _global
│           │   │       └── streams
│           │   │           └── out
│           │   ├── projectDescriptors
│           │   │   └── _global
│           │   │       └── streams
│           │   │           └── out
│           │   ├── scalaCompilerBridgeScope
│           │   │   └── _global
│           │   │       └── streams
│           │   │           └── out
│           │   └── update
│           │       └── _global
│           │           └── streams
│           │               └── out
│           └── runtime
│               ├── dependencyClasspath
│               │   └── _global
│               │       └── streams
│               │           └── export
│               ├── exportedProducts
│               │   └── _global
│               │       └── streams
│               │           └── export
│               ├── externalDependencyClasspath
│               │   └── _global
│               │       └── streams
│               │           └── export
│               ├── fullClasspath
│               │   └── _global
│               │       └── streams
│               │           └── export
│               ├── internalDependencyClasspath
│               │   └── _global
│               │       └── streams
│               │           ├── export
│               │           └── out
│               ├── managedClasspath
│               │   └── _global
│               │       └── streams
│               │           └── export
│               ├── unmanagedClasspath
│               │   └── _global
│               │       └── streams
│               │           ├── export
│               │           └── out
│               └── unmanagedJars
│                   └── _global
│                       └── streams
│                           └── export
├── simple.sbt
├── src
│   └── main
│       └── scala
│           └── TestApp.scala
└── target
    ├── global-logging
    ├── scala-2.12
    │   ├── classes
    │   │   ├── TestApp.class
    │   │   └── TestApp$.class
    │   ├── my-scala-project_2.12-0.1.jar
    │   ├── update
    │   │   └── update_cache_2.12
    │   │       ├── inputs
    │   │       └── output
    │   └── zinc
    │       └── inc_compile_2.12.zip
    ├── streams
    │   ├── compile
    │   │   ├── bspReporter
    │   │   │   └── _global
    │   │   │       └── streams
    │   │   │           └── out
    │   │   ├── compile
    │   │   │   └── _global
    │   │   │       └── streams
    │   │   │           └── out
    │   │   ├── compileIncremental
    │   │   │   └── _global
    │   │   │       └── streams
    │   │   │           ├── export
    │   │   │           └── out
    │   │   ├── copyResources
    │   │   │   └── _global
    │   │   │       └── streams
    │   │   │           ├── copy-resources
    │   │   │           └── out
    │   │   ├── dependencyClasspath
    │   │   │   └── _global
    │   │   │       └── streams
    │   │   │           └── export
    │   │   ├── externalDependencyClasspath
    │   │   │   └── _global
    │   │   │       └── streams
    │   │   │           └── export
    │   │   ├── _global
    │   │   │   └── _global
    │   │   │       ├── compileOutputs
    │   │   │       │   └── previous
    │   │   │       └── discoveredMainClasses
    │   │   │           └── data
    │   │   ├── incOptions
    │   │   │   └── _global
    │   │   │       └── streams
    │   │   │           └── out
    │   │   ├── internalDependencyClasspath
    │   │   │   └── _global
    │   │   │       └── streams
    │   │   │           ├── export
    │   │   │           └── out
    │   │   ├── mainClass
    │   │   │   └── _global
    │   │   │       └── streams
    │   │   │           └── out
    │   │   ├── managedClasspath
    │   │   │   └── _global
    │   │   │       └── streams
    │   │   │           └── export
    │   │   ├── packageBin
    │   │   │   └── _global
    │   │   │       └── streams
    │   │   │           ├── inputs
    │   │   │           ├── out
    │   │   │           └── output
    │   │   ├── scalacOptions
    │   │   │   └── _global
    │   │   │       └── streams
    │   │   │           └── out
    │   │   ├── unmanagedClasspath
    │   │   │   └── _global
    │   │   │       └── streams
    │   │   │           ├── export
    │   │   │           └── out
    │   │   └── unmanagedJars
    │   │       └── _global
    │   │           └── streams
    │   │               └── export
    │   └── _global
    │       ├── csrConfiguration
    │       │   └── _global
    │       │       └── streams
    │       │           └── out
    │       ├── csrProject
    │       │   └── _global
    │       │       └── streams
    │       │           └── out
    │       ├── dependencyPositions
    │       │   └── _global
    │       │       └── streams
    │       │           └── update_cache_2.12
    │       │               ├── input_dsp
    │       │               └── output_dsp
    │       ├── _global
    │       │   └── _global
    │       │       └── streams
    │       │           └── out
    │       ├── ivyConfiguration
    │       │   └── _global
    │       │       └── streams
    │       │           └── out
    │       ├── ivySbt
    │       │   └── _global
    │       │       └── streams
    │       │           └── out
    │       ├── moduleSettings
    │       │   └── _global
    │       │       └── streams
    │       │           └── out
    │       ├── projectDescriptors
    │       │   └── _global
    │       │       └── streams
    │       │           └── out
    │       ├── scalaCompilerBridgeScope
    │       │   └── _global
    │       │       └── streams
    │       │           └── out
    │       └── update
    │           └── _global
    │               └── streams
    │                   └── out
    └── task-temp-directory

200 directories, 96 files

step 5) spark-submit test

[hadoop@ip-10-0-1-70 ~]$ spark-submit --deploy-mode client /home/hadoop/my_scala_pj/target/scala-2.12/my-scala-project_2.12-0.1.jar
20/11/22 06:51:35 INFO SparkContext: Running Spark version 3.0.0-amzn-0
20/11/22 06:51:35 INFO ResourceUtils: ==============================================================
20/11/22 06:51:35 INFO ResourceUtils: Resources for spark.driver:

20/11/22 06:51:35 INFO ResourceUtils: ==============================================================
20/11/22 06:51:35 INFO SparkContext: Submitted application: my_app
20/11/22 06:51:35 INFO SecurityManager: Changing view acls to: hadoop
20/11/22 06:51:35 INFO SecurityManager: Changing modify acls to: hadoop
20/11/22 06:51:35 INFO SecurityManager: Changing view acls groups to:
20/11/22 06:51:35 INFO SecurityManager: Changing modify acls groups to:
20/11/22 06:51:35 INFO SecurityManager: SecurityManager: authentication disabled; ui acls disabled; users  with view permissions: Set(hadoop); groups with view permissions: Set(); users  with modify permissions: Set(hadoop); groups with modify permissions: Set()
20/11/22 06:51:35 INFO Utils: Successfully started service 'sparkDriver' on port 46701.
20/11/22 06:51:35 INFO SparkEnv: Registering MapOutputTracker
20/11/22 06:51:35 INFO SparkEnv: Registering BlockManagerMaster
20/11/22 06:51:35 INFO BlockManagerMasterEndpoint: Using org.apache.spark.storage.DefaultTopologyMapper for getting topology information
20/11/22 06:51:35 INFO BlockManagerMasterEndpoint: BlockManagerMasterEndpoint up
20/11/22 06:51:36 INFO SparkEnv: Registering BlockManagerMasterHeartbeat
20/11/22 06:51:36 INFO DiskBlockManager: Created local directory at /mnt/tmp/blockmgr-1dbf36f4-4555-4043-8b2d-xxxxxxxxxxxx
20/11/22 06:51:36 INFO MemoryStore: MemoryStore started with capacity 1028.8 MiB
20/11/22 06:51:36 INFO SparkEnv: Registering OutputCommitCoordinator
20/11/22 06:51:36 INFO log: Logging initialized @2638ms to org.sparkproject.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
20/11/22 06:51:36 INFO Server: jetty-9.4.20.v20190813; built: 2019-08-13T21:28:18.144Z; git: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; jvm 1.8.0_252-b09
20/11/22 06:51:36 INFO Server: Started @2748ms
20/11/22 06:51:36 INFO AbstractConnector: Started ServerConnector@4f7c0be3{HTTP/1.1,[http/1.1]}{}
20/11/22 06:51:36 INFO Utils: Successfully started service 'SparkUI' on port 4040.
20/11/22 06:51:36 INFO ContextHandler: Started o.s.j.s.ServletContextHandler@4a1e3ac1{/jobs,null,AVAILABLE,@Spark}

20/11/22 06:52:00 INFO MultipartUploadOutputStream: close closed:false s3://pms-bucket-test/test_folder/_SUCCESS
20/11/22 06:52:01 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_1_piece0 on ip-10-0-1-70.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal:44339 in memory (size: 76.6 KiB, free: 1028.8 MiB)
20/11/22 06:52:01 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_1_piece0 on ip-10-0-1-70.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal:41353 in memory (size: 76.6 KiB, free: 2.6 GiB)
20/11/22 06:52:01 INFO FileFormatWriter: Write Job 75e58e92-278e-4bd0-8ec4-ff25d5a95b4f committed.
20/11/22 06:52:01 INFO FileFormatWriter: Finished processing stats for write job 75e58e92-278e-4bd0-8ec4-xxxxxxxxxx.
Job done
20/11/22 06:52:01 INFO AbstractConnector: Stopped Spark@4f7c0be3{HTTP/1.1,[http/1.1]}{}
20/11/22 06:52:01 INFO SparkUI: Stopped Spark web UI at http://ip-10-0-1-70.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal:4040
20/11/22 06:52:01 INFO YarnClientSchedulerBackend: Interrupting monitor thread
20/11/22 06:52:01 INFO YarnClientSchedulerBackend: Shutting down all executors
20/11/22 06:52:01 INFO YarnSchedulerBackend$YarnDriverEndpoint: Asking each executor to shut down
20/11/22 06:52:01 INFO YarnClientSchedulerBackend: YARN client scheduler backend Stopped
20/11/22 06:52:01 INFO MapOutputTrackerMasterEndpoint: MapOutputTrackerMasterEndpoint stopped!
20/11/22 06:52:01 INFO MemoryStore: MemoryStore cleared
20/11/22 06:52:01 INFO BlockManager: BlockManager stopped
20/11/22 06:52:01 INFO BlockManagerMaster: BlockManagerMaster stopped
20/11/22 06:52:01 INFO OutputCommitCoordinator$OutputCommitCoordinatorEndpoint: OutputCommitCoordinator stopped!
20/11/22 06:52:01 INFO SparkContext: Successfully stopped SparkContext
20/11/22 06:52:01 INFO ShutdownHookManager: Shutdown hook called
20/11/22 06:52:01 INFO ShutdownHookManager: Deleting directory /mnt/tmp/spark-54537dcf-0233-4fd6-a929-46767d90b6e0
20/11/22 06:52:01 INFO ShutdownHookManager: Deleting directory /mnt/tmp/spark-f1de40ef-1032-4235-b334-39078403f24e